What’s with the upsurge in partnerships?
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There has been a recent uptick in the number of strategic partnership announcements. What's behind this trend? And more importantly, what does it mean for our business? This blog post will look closely at why partnerships are becoming more popular and explore the benefits they offer. Be sure to read on…there’s a surprise at the end!
Crypto might be bearish for now, but we’re not!
We’ll start with the bad news first: the market sucks, plain and simple. However, Decubate has managed to survive the bear market so far and is still going strong. The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) claims that only eight percent of the over 80,000 blockchain projects ever launched are still active today. At this point, it's clear that without a solid revenue model, a project is not sustainable and will cease to exist along with their token.
With so many businesses competing for the same clients, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd and attract new business. As a result, more companies are turning to valuable partnerships in order to gain an edge over their competition. Decubate provides value to partners and clients through token management services, funding, custom development, and much more.
The good news, however, is that our dedication to build through the bear remains unwavering. The proof is in the pudding; in the past few months we released two new products: liquidity staking, NFT Staking and are developing other services and products with several other clients.
Throughout the building process, we come across equally ambitious projects that are able to make the bear market bullish by expanding and improving on their services: Gotbit, AssureDefi, Coinvestor, and UnilendFinance, are among the powerhouses that we recently decided to team up with.
Our message is clear. Decubate is not only aiming to survive during the current market conditions, but to thrive and prepare for whatever may come our way.
"Do you guys just cooperate with any project?”
Not at all. First, we only want to work with those who we have a mutually beneficial relationship with. It's not enough that we gain a lot from them; the partnership has to be balanced so both sides benefit rather than just one.
Second, the partnership has to reflect our brand. This doesn't mean that our visuals or graphic design must be identical, it just means that we have to share similar values and goals. In other words: we want everyone to have easy access to Web3- projects, users, and everything in between.
Lastly, we at Decubate want long-term partners who are in it for the same reasons we are: because we enjoy what we do and see the potential for a prosperous future.
"How do partnerships benefit you guys?”
First, the investment opportunities. Our current clients have found us through our partners, so it's only logical that we want to continue along those lines.
Secondly, brand awareness: by having partners act as product ambassadors, we can reach new demographics while also solidifying our place in the market.
Overall, the partnerships that we have established have been instrumental in helping us continue to grow and succeed. Whether it's through establishing deal flow or increasing our brand presence, these relationships are incredibly valuable and key to our continued success.
“What’s in it for me?”
We’d never forget about you, the Decubate community members. These partnerships will definitely benefit you. Here’s why…
Going back to the brand awareness bit above: we have an opportunity to establish ourselves as a 'household' name—the foremost token management software company for Web3 projects—during these market downtimes. When the market turns around again, Decubate will proceed with offering quality projects to our community through crowdfunding, airdrops and other events.
“I’d love to help, in fact: I know a project that you guys definitely want to work with.”
Have a project that you think we would be interested in? Please let us know by filling out the registration form below. We would love to take a look!
If you want to help us out more, consider participating in our upcoming experiment. We're going to make some changes that will allow users who refer others to be rewarded much more handsomely. This benefits not just the person making the referral, but everyone in the community.